Digital Signature for Oil India Tender | Class 3 DSC

Digital Signature for Oil India TenderDIGITAL SIGNATURE FOR OIL INDIA TENDER: Oil India Limited (OIL) invites tenders for various works and supplies on its eProcurement Portal. All the information and details related to the tender are published on its online portal. The bidders who wish to participate in the tenders of Oil India are required to be registered on the eProcurement Portal with a valid Digital Signature Certificate. Bidder should have Class 3 Digital Signature along with Encryption Certificate.

Basic requirements to participate in Oil India Tenders

  • All Bidders should be registered on the OIL etender Portal. For obtaining a User ID and Password, bidders need to complete online registration. Please go to the Url: 
  • The bidder should have a valid User Id and password to access the OIL e-Procurement site.
  •  Bidder should have a valid Class 3 digital certificate with Organization Name alone with Encryption Certificate as per Indian IT Act.
  •  The bidder should have paid the tender fee and processing fee as per the Bid. 
  •  The bidder should fulfill any other requirements mentioned in the tender.
  • Required documents for Organizational Digital Signature

For Oil tender, all contractors and bidders should procure Class 3 Combo ( Signature + Encryption) Organizational DSC. To apply to organizational DSC applicants basic documents with organizational documents will require. 


Proprietorship  Partnership Company
Gst registration / registration certificate GST/ registration certificate Gst registration / registration certificate
Applicant Pan card Partnership deed Board resolution / List of directors
Photo Applicant Pan card Applicant Pan card
Email id and mobile number  Photo Applicant Photo
Email id and mobile number Email id and mobile number

Note:  All Bidders are advised to apply for user ID and digital Signature at least 7 days before the last date of tender. 

System requirements and Technical Settings for Oil India Tender

  • Web Browser: Internet explorer ver 10.0 or higher recommended. 
  •  Pop-ups: Pop-ups should be enabled on the OIL e-Procurement site and Bid document. 
  • Active-X Controls: Enable Active x control in Internet Explorer settings to enable digital signature and verification. 
  • Add oil India url in the trusted sites. Open internet explorer-> tools-> internet options ->security tab: trusted sites->add the site :->
  • Java Requirement: All Bidders and contractors are requested to download and install only Java32 Bit. you can also use the latest version of JAVA. Please ensure that your system does not have multiple versions of Java.
  • Install the USB token driver in the system. After dsc driver installation, attach the USB token to your computer system USB port. 
  • Ensure that the signature and encryption certificate is installed properly.

Why Api Infotech

  • Our experts will guide you throughout the process, to complete all documentation and verifications.
  • Our team will complete the DSC process smoothly and at the best rates.
  • The entire procedure with us will only take 20 to 30 minutes.

Please contact us for any further information to buy a New / Renewal of Digital Signature for the Oil India Tender and other Purposes.

Apply NowDigital Signature with Encryption Certificate | Class 3 Combo DSC

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