Digital Signature for IEC Code Registration | Class 3 DSC

Digital Signature for IEC CodeDigital Signature for IEC Code: Here we will discuss to IEC code and Digital Signatures requirements and registrations.

IEC Code: an Overview

 IEC code or Import Export code is a 10 digit unique code issued by DGFT ( Director-General of Foreign Trade ). It is required for every import or export owner in India. For every import and export-related activity, an IEC code is the first requirement for business. All types of business registrations dealing with import and exports of goods can register for import-export code. The process of obtaining IEC code is very easy and can be applied with minimal, basic documents. You will also need a digital signature certificate ( DSC) to digitally verify documents and forms. You will also need a digital signature certificate (DSC) to digitally verify documents and application forms.

Digital Signature for IEC Code Registration

To apply for the IEC code requires obtaining a valid digital signature certificate ( DSC). Every Import/Export owner needs to procure a DSC.DSC is an electronic form of a signature that validates integrity and authenticity. It comes with a crypto USB token that stores certificates that look like a flash drive. DSC issued only by Certifying authorities. It’s a completely online and paperless process to apply for DSC. A valid digital signature issued by certifying authorities requires for IEC code application and registration.

Which type of Digital Signature is required for IEC Code?

There are different types and Classes in DSC. A valid Class 3 DSC issued by certifying authorities requires IEC code registration. Class 3 DSC issues to both Individuals and Organizations. Some documents and verifications require to apply for a DSC. Class 3 is a Multipurpose DSC and a highly protected certificate that can be used in most applications.

What documents are required for Class 3 DSC?

Some basic documents and verifications of the applicant require to apply for a Digital Signature Certificate.

  • Applicant Pan card
  • Applicant address proof
  • Photo
  • Email id and mobile number

How to Register for an IEC code with DSC?

To get your IEC code online, you will need to do the following Import Export code registration process. You will need to submit all the required documents, bank details, and DSC. Fill out the online IEC registration application form with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). After submission, the documents and application will be verified by the authorities. Your import export code will be issued and received a soft copy to the entity.

Why Api Infotech?

  • Our experts will guide you throughout the process, to complete documentation and verifications.
  • Our experts will complete the Digital Signature process smoothly and at the best rates.
  • The entire procedure with us will only take 20 minutes.

You can contact us for any further information to buy New / Renewal of Digital Signature Certificates.

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