Digital Signature for Director eKYC | MCA, ROC, GST, ITR, EPFO

Digital Signature for Director eKYCDigital Signature for Director eKYC: Class 3 personal Digital Signature ( DSC) can be used for Director’s eKYC, MCA and ROC form filing, ITR, and GST Return Filing, Income Tax Portal Password Reset, EPFO, Document signing, etc.
The Class 3 Digital Signature is the most secure certificate. It is used to authenticate and validate user data and information. It is mainly used for verification and authentication on government portals. A valid digital signature is required for companies to file GST returns and ITRs. Obtaining a digital signature is mandatory for the company’s MCA return filing. This will be an Individual DSC with the name of the authorized signatory of the company. separate digital signatures are required for different authorized signatory directors.

Documents for Directors Digital Signature

some basic documents required for the digital signature process:

  • Applicant Pan card
  • Adhar card
  • Email id and mobile number

After submitting the documents, the mobile, email, and video verification of the applicant has to be completed. This entire process takes about 20 minutes. As soon as the verification is complete, your DSC is ready immediately.

How to Renew Digital Signature

If you have already a digital signature, but it has expired then you can get it renewed. so that you do not have to buy a new USB token. you can use your existing token again. The new certificate will be downloaded in your existing old token. It works just like a new USB token.

We hope the above information regarding Digital Signature for Director eKYC will helpful for you. we provide NEW and Digital Signature Renewal at the offer price. Contact us:

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